Sunday, July 17, 2005

Christ, the true human

In the beginning God said," Let us make man in our image..."(Gen. 1:26) and in Hebrews 1: 3 we read about Jesus, " He is the sole expression of the Glory of God and He is the perfect imprint and very image of God..." Where the first Adam failed( due to disobedience) to be the physical manifestation of the invisible God , the Last Adam( Jesus) perfectly mirrored the qualities of God!
The creative purpose of man was to manifest and mirror God, just as earth was to be the physical manifestation of heaven but this purpose was shortcircuited in the failure of the first Adam. Humanity was always in the heart of God and Jesus demonstrated the limitless potential of Man living with a consiousness of his origin and in union with his Designer. However, He became much more than just an example to us; He became the very Life of the believer!
Jesus Christ became indeed " The Way(back into relationship with God); the Truth(more than a philosophical construction or a dogma, but a relationship with a Person!) ); and the Life( the only life that is pleasing to the Father)" Believers need to awake to this reality that Christ in us is the only Life we can live, and when we set our minds on this truth, His Life will start to flow through us spontaneously. When we live His Life we become truly human again-the less of His Life in us the more inhumane we act!

What a message to the world we as Christians have! When we live in Christ and He through us, we become more human and as we become more human we manifest and mirror more of the Divine to the world!