However, blind faith is not unique to religious belief: Science teaches cause and effect but some naturalist scientists say that the universe needs no cause, for example, Bertrand Russell said of the universe; "it is just there". Do we accept that premise by blindly believing it, or must we exercise our "faith" in the idea that science may one day find the answer? What if this answer is the same as the one already revealed by God in the Bible? We find the same kind of argument about the clear evidence of complexity and design in nature and biology but Richard Dawkins says that things "just appear to be designed" . We all have a sense that some things are right and some things are wrong, but the atheist says that it must be a result of evolutionary processes. In other words, there is no ultimate lawgiver! We use the laws of logic everyday in debate and argumentation but if there is no god where do they come from and who has determined that they are "laws" indeed? In recent years science has made wonderful discoveries regarding DNA which is a complex code full of information. So we have this information within all life but no "information giver"? It will appear to me that the real proponents of blind faith is not only to be found in fundamentalist religions but also in(very influential) parts of the scientific community. It is unfortunately true that scientists who dare to digress from the blind faith (assumptions) of evolutionary science will not get an audience in the peer reviews and their articles will not be published in scientific journals- just because they do not subscribe to the prevailing world view of the age, namely naturalism-how scientific is that?
Is true faith blind? I believe Christianity is a reasonable faith based on real historical events, e.g. the resurrection of Jesus, His existence, etc. There are also powerful arguments for the existence of God based on what we observe in nature, in humans, in the galaxies and in the laws of logic and morality as mentioned before, but at the end of the day we cannot know God through reason because God has chosen to be known by revelation, that inner intuition or knowing that comes to the heart of the searching human. Revelation is not blind faith!! Revelation is rooted in an experience of something or someone bigger than ourselves. God wants a relationship with His creatures, not a philosophical or even theological discussion! For this reason He sent Jesus in visible real flesh- and- blood form to this earth to testify and demonstrate Him. After Jesus' death and resurrection he became a Life-giving spirit in order to indwell all who accepted His redemption. This happens by revelation and once this happens you "know that you know" and you do not need any other evidence! Is this blind faith? Oh no; it's the kind of faith that says like the blind man said after Jesus healed him from his blindness; "All I know is that I was blind but now I see!"
Is true faith blind? I believe Christianity is a reasonable faith based on real historical events, e.g. the resurrection of Jesus, His existence, etc. There are also powerful arguments for the existence of God based on what we observe in nature, in humans, in the galaxies and in the laws of logic and morality as mentioned before, but at the end of the day we cannot know God through reason because God has chosen to be known by revelation, that inner intuition or knowing that comes to the heart of the searching human. Revelation is not blind faith!! Revelation is rooted in an experience of something or someone bigger than ourselves. God wants a relationship with His creatures, not a philosophical or even theological discussion! For this reason He sent Jesus in visible real flesh- and- blood form to this earth to testify and demonstrate Him. After Jesus' death and resurrection he became a Life-giving spirit in order to indwell all who accepted His redemption. This happens by revelation and once this happens you "know that you know" and you do not need any other evidence! Is this blind faith? Oh no; it's the kind of faith that says like the blind man said after Jesus healed him from his blindness; "All I know is that I was blind but now I see!"