Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The end of racism

We just spent four weeks in our beloved and beautiful South Africa and what a wonderful experience! We were blessed by friends and family who went out of their way to accomodate us, and who spoiled us with many a "braai". However, it was sad to sense that there is still a strong spirit of racism in that wonderful country and this spirit is fed by people of all races for various reasons and because of various agendas. What is the solution? Clearly political freedom alone cannot and has not brought real freedom to the peoples of South Africa( and the world for that matter!)

What can bring a lasting solution to the problem of racism?: How can a sustainable peace be reached between the Jew and the Arab?; How can Roman Catholic and Protestant in Ireland come to a peaceful agreement? Oh! if only people can get a revelation of the mystery of Christ who brought an end to all forms of racism, social inequalities and sexual prejudice(Galatians 3:28). Christ is the only standard by which God judge people. Read the words of Paul in the Message; " Instead of continuing with two groups of people seperated by centuries of animosity and suspicion, he created a new kind of human being, a fresh start for everybody... The Cross got us to embrace,and that was the end of the hostility."(Eph.2)

Let those of us with a revelation of Christ in us, flesh out the reality of this "new kind of human being". To once again quote Paul in this regard; "Through Christians like yourselves gathered in churches(communities),this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!"(Eph. 3:10- The Message)

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