Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Church Jesus is building 6

In our last article we tried to explain the kind of church Jesus is building as a community where true koinonia(fellowship) takes place in such a way that people are healed emotionally, spiritually and physically. In the reality of honest and open relationships based on the common sharing of the Christ-Life, people know they belong and are accepted despite their faults, ethnicity, background or social status! In this process a powerful testimony of the Incarnation is created; in other words Jesus is fleshed out and becomes a reality to all the world.

This kind of DNA can only be imparted to the church through true Apostolic foundational ministry where the central doctrine is the revelation of Christ in the human. A gospel which only preaches a Jesus who died on the cross to take people to heaven one day is lacking. A gospel which only preaches about the coming of the Kingdom to earth is also lacking. A gospel which preaches Jesus plus anything is lacking. We must preach Paul's understanding of the gospel or as he put it "the mystery of the ages" namely "Christ in us , the Hope of Glory". All biblical doctrines, be it covenantal theology, the return of Jesus , the Kingdom, church, baptism, sanctification etc. find their true meaning in the In Christ/ Christ in us-message! This revelation of Jesus living in humans and wanting to reveal Himself through (sinful) flesh is indeed a mystery and despite the simplicity of the message one of the most difficult for humans to accept. As far back as Cain and Abel we see the simplicity of God's expectation that we trust in the Life of Another; Cain put his trust in the works of his hands, but Abel put his trust in the blood of the innocent creature! As a matter of fact it goes back even further when the first humans failed to put all their trust(faith) in God's simple instruction not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After they disobeyed God they tried to cover up their nakedness and shame with fig-leaves and right there at the beginning God established the principle that only through trusting in His provision of the life of the Innocent will our shame and nakedness be covered!

Most of what passes as Christianity and church today are still our fig-leave attempts to impress God and cover our nakedness. Even "going to church"(a contradiction in terms!), witnessing, working for the Lord, prayer-meetings and many of our programs and projects could be nothing more than fig-leaves if these "works' do not flow out of a living faith based on the Life of Christ in us!

The Church Jesus is building is a church who revels in the freedom from dead religious works and out of their celebration of the fullness and creativity of the Life of Jesus in them living works of faith are born which bless all the nations

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