Saturday, November 28, 2009

Opinions, Faith and Tyranny

We live in a time where everyone seems to have an opinion. From young children to older people have opinions and while there is nothing wrong with opinions in themselves, we find ourselves on dangerous ground when these opinions become sacred and untouchable. Someone said "Opinions are like armpits, everyone has them but some stink!"

As someone who works in an educational environment, I am amazed at how strong this post-modern thinking of not daring to question a person's opinions has infiltrated young minds. Is this perhaps linked to the idea that there is no ultimate truth and that we all need to find our own truth as we go along in life because all opinions(beliefs) are equal? This is of course a world view or belief system in itself! This makes you wonder whether we have any right to question the ideas and opinions of Hitler, Stalin, racists and pedophiles? Or are certain opinions and beliefs more equal than others?

This trend could lead(or has it already?) to a new kind of tyranny where no real debate is encouraged and where no opinion can be challenged for the fear of being branded as a bigot or being intolerant! Just look at the reaction(and name-calling!) these last few months over the leaking of e-mails that indicate that all may not be well with the "science" behind global warming!

It also has serious implications for education because good teachers should have the right to challenge existing beliefs, ideas, opinions and views in order to cultivate skills of debate, analysis and evaluation. Children need to learn how to make informed choices, they need the basic human right to have the opportunity to be confronted with alternative world views in order to critique their own world view in an academic way. It's a myth to believe that children grow up without a world view. From my experience as a teacher I can say that the prevailing world view amongst most children goes something like this; "There is no ultimate truth; my opinion is my absolute right; fun and cool are in and cheesy is out, and the only value of education is to get a good job so I can make money".

In the absence of well informed parents and the increase of dysfunctional families, the media has probably become the biggest influence when it comes to the communication of world views. Sadly, most programs like documentaries, films and comedies seem to be driven by naturalistic, narcissistic and humanistic world views. Programs like Discovery Channel, to name one, have a powerful effect on especially young minds, because the theories of naturalistic world views are presented as fact! This in itself would not have been a major problem, but in the prevailing climate of intolerance these views are not scrutinised thoroughly enough in peer reviews and scientific journals. This is because the naturalistic world view was very successful in separating "scientific fact" from religious faith-in Huxley's words "not to allow God a foot in the door"

I believe that the Christian faith is deeply rooted in logic and that truth is able to stand on its own feet, and if given the opportunity in a climate of tolerance and critical examination it will pass any test of the mind and of the spirit! Let us beware of a new medieval darkness where only the acceptable world view of a small insider group of "intellectuals" control what is believed about life, morality and science! The danger signs are already there; try to challenge evolutionary theories, theories about global warming, views on homosexuality etc. The backlash is almost as severe as when you critisise the religious extremism in Islam.

Jesus said that the truth about Him shall make us free! Let us as Christians proclaim this truth with conviction but not in word only but especially by expressing Him who is the ultimate truth. Let us believe that Jesus' prayer in John 17 will be answered "Father, I pray that they be that the world will know"

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